Peter Sarsgaard reveals how acting helped him move forward

Peter Sarsgaard, American amazing actor who studied at Actors studio, has recently opened up about the importance of acting in his life and how it has shaped him into the person he is today.
The 53-year-old star, who is known for his big roles in major films and indie projects, shared that the art of acting has helped him grow personally and professionally like he never expected.
Peter was born in a small part of America where people were not really emotionally aware and used to expressed their emotions and his family was not kind of expressive as well when it came to dealing with mental growth.
During his interview with the Observer newspaper, Peter shared, “I lived with a lot of very sensitive people.”
“Mental illness was a real thing in my house. Around those people, in those types of potentially volatile situations, you want to keep everything chill. And I’m very good at it.”
The September 5 actor further explained: “I spent a lot of my time as a kid trying to read the minds of people who didn’t know their own minds. It’s a skill I developed. I’m frequently thinking about what other people are thinking.”
Peter also revealed that he now think that he got the power of telling when someone is lying and when they are telling the truth.